FFH is Proud to Support: The Hope Program and Sustainable South Bronx

Proud to Support Series

FFH has been a proud partner with The Hope Program since 2016.

HOPE empowers New Yorkers living in poverty to achieve economic self-sufficiency through employment and advancement.

2016_3_15 Hope Logo

The HOPE Program is a job training, placement and career advancement program with a track record of strong results. They consistently exceed 70% job placement among graduates; their 90-day job retention rates are among the top ten percent nationwide, according to a national benchmarking study; and a leading philanthropy has stated that their one-year job retention rates are “laudable…and well above portfolio average.”

HOPE was just selected for a competitive program through the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City to couple their award-winning workforce services with mental health care. This grant will break the stigma surrounding mental health care for HOPE clients, improve access to services, and lead to even stronger job placement and retention outcomes.

Core Values:

  • COLLABORATIONWe work together to solve problems and provide the highest quality services to our students and graduates. In our classrooms we create a learning environment to teach the skills needed in the modern workforce.
  • PROFESSIONALISMWe provide a professional working and learning environment to all who walk through our doors. We set the same high expectations as our graduates' future workplaces, ensuring they have the skills and experience to succeed.
  • INTEGRITYWe are open and honest in our work and provide and ask for feedback from our whole community.
  • EMPOWERMENTWe use the evidence-based practice of Motivational Interviewing, proven in clinical and criminal justice settings to drive positive behavior change through exploring ambivalence, goal-setting, and empowering students and graduates to transform their own lives.
  • IMPACTWe have outcomes among the strongest in the workforce development industry--a high return on investment for our supporters. Read more about our impact here.
  • DIGNITYWe cultivate an environment of respect in all aspects of our work. We acknowledge backgrounds and barriers
  • RESPONSIVENESSWe have an evidence-based and employer-driven approach to training, job placement and career advancement, to respond to the changing needs of our students, graduates and community.
  • EXCELLENCEWe use ongoing rigorous data analysis to drive programmatic enhancements and improvements.
Click here to like The Hope Program on Facebook

Please visit www.thehopeprogram.org for more information about The Hope Program and the source information for this page.

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