The Constitution was written many years ago and really needs some changes.
Here are my suggestions:
Clean and easy, the president can be born anywhere. Becoming president is a rigorous experience. If the public votes you in, your birthplace is irrelevant.
- Presidents should serve 5 or 6-year terms. It’s a waste of energy for a president to be campaigning and not focusing on the needs of the country—one and done.
- Decent term limits for supreme court justices. Fifteen to twenty years is long enough.
- Last, but most important, the electoral college. Now 7-8 swing states are too important, and many people don’t even bother to vote if their state is a landslide. It’s important to stay with the state concept. I feel there should be a graduated scale. This can be modified, but it would look something like this:
75% of the state’s votes gets 100%
- 70% of the state’s votes gets 90%
- 65% of the state’s votes gets 80%
- 60% of the state’s votes gets 70%
- 55% of the state’s votes gets 60%
IT’S TIME to make the necessary changes, so the country can move forward and benefit all the people.
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