FFH is Proud to Support: CHIP International

Proud to Support Series

FFH has been a proud partner with CHIP International since 2011.


Child Health Improvement Program International (CHIP-I) is a US accredited 501(c)3 organization which focuses on awareness, diagnosis and training regarding autism in Africa. CHIP-I aims to raise the awareness of autism and other related developmental disorders in sub-Saharan Africa, and to train health service professionals, paraprofessionals and parents in global best practices in the diagnosis and management of African children with autism and special needs. Through our conferences, workshops and training sessions, we bring practical hope to those affected by autism in Africa.

Our mission is three-fold:
    • To promote awareness of autism in Africa
    • To support under-served populations in the identification of children with autism in Africa
    • To provide sustainable autism training to parents and professionals in Africa through a pyramid training model: we train a number of professionals as key trainers, and these trainers in turn train other professionals and parents who would, in turn, be able to pass the training on to still others.

The autism training method provided by CHIP International to parents, professionals, paraprofessionals and volunteers is in Applied Behavior Analysis – Verbal Behavior (ABA-VB) methodology. This approved best practice method of managing autism can greatly enhance the work and effectiveness of those dealing with children with developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. This is especially so in sub-Saharan Africa where very few autism training and resource materials are available.

In addition, CHIP International partners with neurologists, physical therapists and other specialists in the field for our autism workshops in Africa, depending on the needs of the particular workshop. By so doing, we offer comprehensive autism training sessions to African communities.

The CHIP International method employs the domino theory and creates a ripple effect – train the best and build from there, and have them in turn train others. We then monitor, and intervene periodically with training updates and refreshers.

CHIP International is providing autism training in sub-Saharan Africa, which has an unimaginable need for such services. Our first country of focus is Senegal, and the short-term goal is to establish autism training centers in West Africa primarily by partnering with already existing institutions. Working within the existing infrastructure increases cost-effectiveness and allows us to concentrate on introducing information and best practices in the field, customized to specific communities and circumstances.

In the long-term, the goal is to expand our ASD training in Africa in under-served regions where autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities exist. Unfortunately, such communities may or may not identify or correctly diagnose these neurological challenges, and there is minimum expertise or recourse available for management or treatment.

CHIP International offers practical hope to autistic and special needs children in very harsh circumstances by increasing the number, awareness and effectiveness of those trained to manage the effects of neurological and mental development disabilities.

Help FFH support CHIP International’s initiatives:

2016_2_11 Simply Sign Up
because it takes a village. . .

Partner. Volunteer. Donate. Simply Sign up.

Every bit goes a long way to bringing hope and relief to those affected by autism in Africa.



Please visit www.CHIPInternationalUSA.org for more information about CHIP International and the source information for this page.

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